Monday, March 06, 2006

Web 3.0 - the next boom.

In the first boom the internet was going to change the way we did business, everyone from booksellers to potato farmers would experience a paradigm shift and the world as we knew it would change before our eyes.

In the wake of the boom a few niche businesses have managed to find a gap in the economy where disintermediation brought with it real cashflows and the promise of riches. We were also left with a few key phrases, "irrational exuberance" comes to mind, a graveyard of business plans, superbowl ads and paper millionaires.

The VC's turned their eyes towards biotech stocks as the internet funds dissolved and disappeared. A powerpoint presentation, rudimentary html knowledge and an untapped vertical market no longer opened the keys to the safe. This was now once again a rational world in which business fundamentals held sway.

Enter Boom 2.0 in which a beta offering, rudimentary Ajax knowledge and an untapped social market are prying the safes open. No doubt the wake of this boom will see a few stellar companies and its own graveyard of business plans.

The web 2.0 boom is hardly over in fact we have yet to progress through the totally irrational phase but I believe that we are already seeing signs of the next boom.

Any businessman will tell you that the key to expansion is moving a unique product or service into new growth markets, think McDonald's and Coke, perfect your offering and move it into new territories. Google is one company that is setting it sights on globalization as a major expansion plan.

North America makes up 5.1% of the worlds population yet it still accounts for 22% of the world's internet usage.

In contrast Asia accounts for 56.4% of the world population but only 35.7% of internet usage.

Africa which makes up 14.1% of the world's population makes up only 2.2% of its internet users, but is growing at an annual rate of 403.7%. A growth curve that puts it 2 years away from surpassing the current online population of North America.

Companies that currently have a sound online business and the means to take it global will benefit from the next internet boom Web3.0 the third world boom.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Feeding my aDigg-tion:

I procrastinated over this blog for quite awhile before going ahead with it and it is at the moment fueled as much by my addiction to digg as it is by wanted to say a few things to the world. Digg in my case at least is driving me to find unique/interesting/thought provoking content to share with the world. And in this I believe I am not alone.

Digg, and others of their ilk make this a two way conversation, a chance for people to find these words other than through a billion to one random chance. I get a rush every time I see another person bookmarking a link of mine on my heart skips a beat waiting for the page to reload on digging hoping for another elusive digg.

I calculated the overall percentage of stories that get enough diggs to make it to the home page : 34 out of 1230 in a 24 hour period.

2.76% of stories posted will get more than a just a few sideways glances. Leaving 97.24 out of 100 people with an unsatisfied sigh as they see the page reload with no new diggs.

But what about the uber diggers, the elite? Is it just volume that gets them there or are they more connected to the soul of the community?

Let's look at the numbers:

Of the top 30 users the lowest home page to submission ratio is 13%. In translation that means the lowliest of these users is 4.7 times more likely to know what's interesting than the rest of us.
(even user number 300 is 2.6 times more plugged into the digg matrix than average)

And at the top of the food chain? (excluding Kevin rose of course who has a 99% hit rate) User number 10 has a 71% hit rate on 192 submissions that's 25.72 times better than average.
see for yourself who it is ... Oh and while you are there digg this article and help end the sighing